CSI509: Theory of Computation (Fall 2018)

Instructor: Paliath Narendran
Office: UAB-411
Phone: 437-4936
Email: pnarendran at albany dot edu
Office Hours: Tue 11:30am--1:00pm, Thu 2:30pm--3:30pm

Text: Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation. (3rd ed.) Cengage Learning, 2012.

Class Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:40pm - 2:35pm

  • Course Policies ( PDF version ).

  • Homework 1 ( PDF version ).

    Some answers and hints can be found here.

  • Homework 2 ( PDF version ).

    Some answers and hints can be found here.

  • Homework 3 ( PDF version ).

    Some answers and hints can be found here.

  • Homework 4 ( PDF version ).

    Some answers and hints can be found here.

  • Homework 5 ( PDF version ).

    Some answers and hints can be found here.

  • Homework 6 ( PDF version ).

    Some answers and hints can be found here.

  • The midterm and the final are open-book, closed-notes.