I direct PersAI Lab at UAlbnay. My primary research interest is devising data mining and machine learning solutions for challenges in human-centered applications, such as online education and recommender systems, with a personalization perspective. Due to the complicated nature of human behavior, data generated by such applications is complex. This data can be collected from multiple resources, have various formats, and be represented in intricate structures. It can include missing, uncertain, and noisy values with underlying patterns that evolve over time. I approach solving these data-related challenges by integrating multiple viewpoints brought by the heterogeneity of the data, generalizing the observations to the missing data entries, discovering the temporal data dependence, and factoring out the misleading noisy information. My research contributes to and is inspired by techniques such as tensor factorization, domain adaptation, recurrent neural networks, and point process modeling. Here are some of my research projects with real-world applications:

Cross-Domain Recommender Systems

The research on cross-domain recommenders answers questions like how to learn user preferences in one domain (e.g., perfumes), based on their information in another domain (e.g., games)? Which domains can provide useful information to be transferred to other domains? and, How could this transfer of information help new users in a domain? Here are some of our work in this area:

Transition based cross-domain recommendations
Transition based cross-domain recommendations
Cross-Domain Review Generation
Cross-domain recommendation and review generation
Cross-domain recommendation using subspace mapping
Cross-domain recommendation using canonical correlation subspace mapping

Student Knowledge Modeling

Students learn as they practice and interact with learning material over time. Student knowledge modeling tries to quantify students’ learning gain in course concepts based on their historical performance. This research answers questions such as: How to quantify the gradual knowledge gain in students, given their noisy interactions with learning materials? How to predict the student performance in the next problem given the student’s historical grades? and, How to model students forgetfulness after learning a concept? Here are some of our work in this area:

Tensor factorization for student knowledge modeling
Personalized tensor-factorization for student knowledge modeling
Tensor factorization for student knowledge modeling
Deep multi-type knowledge tracing

Student Behavior Modeling

In this research we use student log interaction data with online education systems to answer questions like: How much the practice repetition behavior comes from students’ lack of knowledge versus their behavioral traits? Can we detect procrastination in students?, and What time does a student come back to study for a particular goal?

Stimuli-sensitive Hawkes
External stimuli modeling of student activities via Hawkes processes