Dr. Pradeep Atrey
Dr. Pradeep K. Atrey            [Brief bio] [Full CV]

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Co-Director, Albany Lab for Privacy and Security (ALPS)
Department of Computer Science
College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering
University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
UAB 421, 1215 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, USA, The Earth, The Universe
Phone: 518-437-4943, Fax: 518-442-5638
Email: first letter of first name plus last name at albany dot edu

Affiliated Faculty, AI Plus Institute, University at Albany
Faculty Fellow, Center for Technology in Government (CTG UAlbany)
What's new
  • [12/2024] Prof. Pradeep Atrey has been recognized among the World's Top 2% Researchers, as per a Stanford University study, and is one of UAlbany's 42 researchers, including three from the Computer Science Department. For details, click here.
  • [11/2024] Omkar Kulkarni defended his dissertation work.
  • [10/2024] News story about our GARGI work titled "Researchers Utilize AI to Improve Group Photos" was published on UAlbany News Feed.
  • [9/2024] Completed 10 years at University at Albany, SUNY.
  • [8/2024] Presented our paper titled "LivePics-24: A multi-person, multi-camera, multi-settings live photos dataset" at IEEE MIPR'24.
  • [1/2024] Our paper titled "Concept drift challenge in multimedia anomaly detection: A case study with facial datasets" is accepted at Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal.
  • [10/2023] Prof. Pradeep Atrey was recognized for Outstanding Contributions as Technical Program Chair at the 31st ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia (ACMMM23) in Ottawa, Canada.

    For past news, click here.

Education [More details]
- Ph.D. (Computer Science), School of Computing, National University of Singapore (2006). (Ranked among top 6 schools in the world in computer science as per the QS World University Rankings 2024)

Research Interests [More details] [Google Scholar Profile]
Motive: My scholarly endeavors are driven by principle of “Science in Service to Society."
Current focus: My current research interests are at the intersection of cybersecurity, privacy, trust, and fairness, with a focus on multimodal data.

Current Research Students [Former students]
- Sharmilee Rajkumar (Ph.D. Student) [Topic: TBD]
- Irien Akter (Ph.D. Student) [Topic: TBD]
- Athulya Mathew (MS Student) [Topic: Large Language Models]
- Noah Levine (UG Student) [Topic: Advances in Fully Homomorphic Encryption]
- Ahana Gandhi (High School Intern) [Topic: Image Forensics]
- Neal Mann (High School Intern) [Topic: TBD]

Recent Ph.D. Graduates
- Omkar Kulkarni (Ph.D., 2024) [Bias-Aware Gaze Uniformity Detection and Correction in Group Images] (Currently a Machine Vision Engineer at Sakar Robotics, Pune, India)
- Shashank Arora (Ph.D., 2022) [Frameworks for Secure Collaborative and Concurrent Editing] (Currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at University at Albany, State University of New York)
- Oguz Aranay (Ph.D., 2022) [Deep Active Genetic with Evidential Uncertainty for Agriculture Crops and Water Quality Assessment] (Currently, a faculty at University at Kirkuk, Iraq)

Recent Publications [Full list of publications]
- O. Kulkarni, A. Mishra, S. Arora, V. K. Singh, and P. K. Atrey. LivePics-24: A multi-person, multi-camera, multi-settings live photos dataset. MIPR'24: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing ad Retrieval, San Jose, CA, USA, August 2024.
- O. Kulkarni, T. Lloyd-Jones, M. Tran, G. Vincent Jr, V. K. Singh, and P. K. Atrey. Where you look matters in group photos: A demo of GARGI iOS app. MIPR'24: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing ad Retrieval, San Jose, CA, USA, August 2024.
- V. Patil, S. R. Rajan, and P. K. Atrey. GeoSecure-B: A method for secure bearing calculation. MIPR'24: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing ad Retrieval, San Jose, CA, USA, August 2024.
- P. Kumari, P. Choudhary, V. Kujur, P. K. Atrey, and Mukesh Saini. Concept drift challenge in multimedia anomaly detection: A case study with facial datasets. Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal Volume 123, 117100 (2024).
- S. Arora and P. K. Atrey. SecureC2Edit: A framework for secure collaborative and concurrent document editing. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), August 2023 (Early Access Available, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2023.3302810).

Recent Professional Activities [Past professional activities]
Editorial Boards
- [2019-present] Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Multimedia.
- [2012-present] Associate Editor for ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications.
- [2010-present] Editor for the Wiley ETRI Journal.
- [2016-2024] Associate Editor for Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal.
Conference Organization
- Program Co-chair, AICON'25: 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks, New Delhi, India, January 2025.
- International Advisory Board Member, CVIP'24: Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP) Conference, Chennai, India, December 2024.
- Area Chair, ACMMM'24: ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Melbourne, Australia, October 2024.
- Workshop Co-Chair, MIPR'24: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval, San Jose, CA, USA, August 2024.
- Area Chair, ICME'24: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Niagara Falls, Canada, July 2024.
- Workshop Co-Chair, AVSS'24: 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Niagara Falls, Canada, July 2024.

Teaching [Past teaching]
Spring 2025
ICSI-499 Capstone Project in Computer Science
ICSI-526/426 Cryptography

Awards & Honours
- Prof. Pradeep Atrey has been recognized among the World's Top 2% Researchers, as per a Stanford University study, and is one of UAlbany's 42 researchers, including three from the Computer Science Department. For details, click here.
- Recognized for Outstanding Contributions as Technical Program Chair at the 31st ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia (ACMMM23) in Ottawa, Canada.Click here for photo.
- Outstanding Area Editor Award for service at the Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal (2022). Click here for photo.
- Best Paper Award: GeoSecure-R: Secure computation of geographical distance using region-anonymized GPS data. The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM) (2020). Click here for photo.
- Plaque of Appreciation on completing 10 years of service on the editorial board of ETRI Journal. Click here for photo.
- Outstanding Service Award for service at the 2017 IEEE SMC Conference. [photo] (2018)
- Best Paper Award: Browshing: A new way of phishing using a malicious browser extension. IEEE Int. Conf. on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT'17), Vellore, India (2017)
- IEEE Comm. Soc. MMTC Best R-Letter Editor Award (2015) [Photo]
- ACM TOMM Associate Editor of the Year (2015) [Award ceremony video]
- Multimedia Rising Star at the ACM SIGMM Inaugural Workshop on Multimedia Frontiers (2015)
- Erica and Arnold Rogers Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship (2014)
- UWinnipeg President's Merit Award for Exceptional Performance (2012-13)
- IEEE ICME Outstanding Organizing Committee Member (as Publicity Chair) (2013)
- UWinnipeg President's Merit Award for Exceptional Performance (2011-12)
- UWinnipeg President's Merit Award for Exceptional Performance (2009-10)
- Best Editor Award (2012), ETRI Journal
- Best Reviewer Award (2009), ETRI Journal
- IEEE ICME Quality Reviewer Recognition (2011)

Media Coverage
- [12/2024] UAlbany News: Prof. Atrey has been recognized among the World's Top 2% Researchers, as per a Stanford University study, and is one of UAlbany's 42 researchers, including three from the Computer Science Department. For details, click here.
- [10/2024] UAlbany News: Prof. Atrey and his team's research on Gaze Uniformity in Group Photos was featured in UAlbany News. Click Researchers Utilize AI to Improve Group Photos for details.
- [12/2018] NPR (WAMC) - Academic Minutes: Prof. Atrey appeared on NPR (WAMC) - Academic Minutes and talked about a new way to fight fake news. To listen, click "here".
- [07/2018] UAlbany News: Prof. Atrey and his student Vikram Patil were featured in UAlbany News "A Safer Way to Share Your Location" featuring their recent work on GPS location privacy.
- [06/2018] UAlbany News: Prof. Atrey and his student Shivam Parikh were featured in UAlbany News "Fake News Detector" featuring their recent work on fake news detection research.
- [02/2018] Experian: Prof. Atrey offered his insight in an article "Fighting Back Against Tax ID Fraud" on experian.com, about the importance of keeping different passwords for different accounts.
- [02/2018] UAlbany News: Prof. Atrey was featured in UAlbany News "Protect Yourself: February is Data Privacy Month, a Good Reminder to Check Your Online Security" offering his advice on identity theft protection.
- [08/2017] BYU Radio: Prof. Atrey appeared on the Matt Townsend show of BYU Radio and talked about modern ATM security. Here is the interview.
- [06/2017] The Conversation US: Prof. Atrey weighs in on security issues and concerns of modern ATMs as they turn fifty. Read his article in The Conversation US.
- [04/2017] CSOonline: Tech journalist John Brandon, quotes Prof. Pradeep Atrey in his article titled "How to deal with the bot crisis on Twitter" published on the CSO. (full article can be accessed by entering 'patrey@albany.edu' in the email address box)
- [02/2017] Fox News Fox News runs story quoting Pradeep Atrey on "How AI fights the war against fake news".
- [06/2016] Times Union Prof. Atrey emphasizes the importance of teaching computer science to children at early stage in an article titled Class is key to cracking the code published in Times Union.

- New York State Grant (2014-2024)
- NSERC Discovery Grant (2009-2015)
- KSA Research Grant (2011-2013)
- Canadian DFAIT Grants (2009,10,11,12)
- UWinnipeg Research Grant (2008-10, 2012)
- UWinnipeg Startup Grant (2008-2011)
- UWinnipeg Travel Grant (2008)

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