We invite submissions of up to eight pages, including references. The maximum size of the abstract is 1000 characters. Any submission must be in PDF format (maximum 10MB); submissions in other formats will be rejected.
A paper submission implies that, if the paper is accepted, one of the authors will present the paper/poster at the conference. Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary visas and may need to start that process before final decisions are released. Sending a video of the presentation in place of an author is NOT considered presenting. Papers that are not presented will be pulled from the IEEE proceedings and are not considered published.
There are two sets of paper submission templates available:
- LaTeX template:
- Microsoft Word template:
Detailed style and formatting instructions can be found in either template. The blue line numbers must not be removed in the version for review, as it greatly facilitates the review process. However, the line numbers must be removed in the final version. Submissions not using the above templates or disclosing the identity of the authors will be rejected without review.
A complete paper must be submitted using one of the above templates, formatted for double-blind review, at the Micrisoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) site:
Make sure that your browser has cookies and Javascript enabled. Please add cmt@microsoft.comto your list of safe senders to prevent email announcements from being blocked. If your submission has co-authors, please make sure that you enter their email adresses that correspond exactly to their account names (assuming they have created accounts). They will ensure that your co-authors can also see your submission when they log in. Authorship cannot be changed during the review process.
Double-blind peer review. AVSS 2019 uses a double-blind peer review procedure, i.e. the identity of authors is hidden from reviewers and the identity of reviewers is hidden from authors. In order to identify a paper, one of the authors must first register as a user on the CMT submission website and enter the paper title and abstract. This will result in the allocation of a Paper ID that must be used instead of author names in the preparation of the submission for review. Please be sure to read both the formatting instructions in the templates and policies (below) before submission. The paper must be registered and submitted through CMT by the deadline specified in the Important Dates page of the AVSS 2019 website.
Papers submitted for review must remain anonymous. First, "Paper ID", as allocated by CMT website upon registration of the paper, must replace author names and affiliations. Secondly, there must be no identifiable self-references in paper content. Many authors misunderstand the concept of anonymizing for blind review. Blind review does not mean that one must remove citations to one’s own work – in fact it is often impossible to review a paper unless the previous citations are known and available. Blind review means that you do not use the words "my" or "our" when citing previous work. Also, avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g., titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines can lead to rejection without review. If a paper is accepted, the final version can (and should) include such self-references. For more detailed instructions and examples please see Section 1.6 in the templates.
Dual/Double Submissions By submitting a manuscript to AVSS, the authors guarantee that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in an archival peer-reviewed forum. Furthermore, no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of this paper is either under review at the moment of submission or will be submitted during the AVSS 2019 review period to any of the following: another conference, a workshop, or a journal. Note that a Technical Report (departmental,, etc.) that is disseminated without any form of direct peer-review is NOT considered a publication. If there are papers that may appear to violate any of the above conditions, it is the authors’ responsibility to
- cite these papers (preserving anonymity),
- argue in the body of your paper why your AVSS 2019 paper is non-trivially different from these concurrent submissions, and
- include anonymized versions of those papers in the supplemental material.
Conflict Responsibilities It is the primary author’s responsibility to ensure that all authors on their paper have registered their conflicts into CMT. Conflicts are needed to resolve assignments to both reviewers and area chairs. If a paper is found to have an undeclared conflict that causes a problem, the paper may be summarily rejected. Incomplete or manipulation of conflict domains may result in paper rejection.
Supplementary Material Authors may optionally upload supplementary material, which may include:
- videos to showcase results/demo of the proposed approach/system,
- images and other results in addition to the ones in the paper,
- anonymized related submissions to other conferences and journals, and
- appendices or technical reports containing extended proofs and mathematical derivations that are not essential to the understanding of the submitted paper.
AVSS 2019 encourages authors to submit videos using an MP4 codec such as DivX contained in an AVI or quicktime MOV, compressed with ZIP. Also, please submit a README text file with each video specifying the exact codec used and a URL where the codec can be downloaded.
The authors should refer to the contents of the supplementary material appropriately in the paper. Note that reviewers will be encouraged to look at it, but are not obligated to do so.